Analizzatur ta 'Ossiġenu N6000 N6000
Funzjoni ta 'input: Analizzatur ta' ossiġnu wieħed jista 'jkun imqabbad ma' sonda ta 'ossiġnu biex juri l-kontenut ta' ossiġnu mkejjel f'ħin reali.
-38sa 100% ossiġnu.
Nernst N2001 Analizzatur tal-Ossiġenu
Analizzatur ta 'ossiġnu ta' kanal wieħed: Analizzatur ta 'ossiġnu wieħed jista' jkun imqabbad ma 'sonda ta' ossiġnu biex juri l-kontenut ta 'ossiġnu mkejjel f'ħin reali.
Il-firxa tal-kejl tal-ossiġnu hija 0 sa 100% ossiġenu.
- Firxa ta 'Applikazzjoni In-Nernst N32-FZSX Integrated Oxygen Analyzer huwa prodott ta' struttura integrata. It can be widely used in the detection of oxygen content in the combustion process of various industries such as petroleum, chemical industry, metallurgy, electric power, and incineration. The Nernst N32-FZSX integrated oxygen analyzer can directly monitor the oxygen content in the flue gas of boilers, sintering furnaces, heating furnaces, etc. during or after combustion. Karatteristika Teknika ...
Nernst H Serje Sonda ossiġnu msaħħna
Is-sonda hija mgħammra b'ħiter, u t-temperatura applikabbli hija 0 ℃~ 900 ℃. Generally, standard gas calibration is not required (can be calibrated by ambient air). The probe has high oxygen measurement accuracy, fast response speed, no signal drift and strong corrosion resistance during use.